Pada suatu hari di musim panas, tampak seekor keledai berjalan di pegunungan. Keledai itu membawa beberapa karung berisi garam di punggungnya. Karung itu sangat berat, sementara matahari bersinar dengan teriknya. "Aduh panas sekali. Sepertinya aku sudah tidak kuat berjalan lagi," kata keledai. Di depan sana, tampak sebuah sungai. "Ah, ada sungai! Lebih baik aku berhenti sebentar," kata keledai dengan gembira. Tanpa berpikir panjang, ia masuk ke dalam sungai dan byuur! Keledai itu terpeleset dan tercebur. Ia berusaha untuk berdiri kembali, tetapi tidak berhasil. Lama sekali keledai berusaha untuk berdiri. Anehnya, semakin lama berada di dalam air, ia merasakan beban di punggungnya semakin ringan. Akhirnya keledai itu bisa berdiri lagi. "Ya ampun, garamnya habis!" kata tuannya dengan marah. "Oh, maaf! garamnya larut di dalam air ya?" kata keledai. Beberapa hari kemudian, keledai mendapat tugas lagi untuk membawa garam. Seperti biasa, ia harus berjalan melewati pegunungan bersama tuannya. "Tak lama lagi akan ada sungai di depan sana," kata keledai dalam hati. Ketika berjalan menyeberangi sungai, keledai menjatuhkan dirinya dengan sengaja. Byuuur!. Tentu saja garam yang ada di punggungnya menjadi larut di dalam air. Bebannya menjadi ringan. "Asyik! Jadi ringan!" kata keledai ringan. Namun, mengetahui keledai melakukan hal itu dengan sengaja, tuannya menjadi marah. "Dasar keledai malas!" kata tuannya dengan geram. Keesokan harinya, keledai mendapat tugas membawa kapas. Sekali lagi, ia berjalan bersama tuannya melewati pegunungan. Ketika sampai di sungai, lagi-lagi keledai menjatuhkan diri dengan sengaja. Byuuur!. Namun apa yang terjadi? Muatannya menjadi berat sekali. Rupanya kapas itu menyerap air dan menjadi seberat batu. Mau tidak mau, keledai harus terus berjalan dengan beban yang ada di punggungnya. Keledai berjalan sempoyongan di bawah terik matahari sambil membawa beban berat dipunggungnya. HIKMAH : Berpikirlah dahulu sebelum bertindak. Karena tindakan yang salah akan menyebabkan kerugian bagi kita.
On a summer day, looking a donkey walking in the mountains. Donkey was carrying several sacks of salt on his back. Sacks was very heavy, while the sun shone hot. "Oh hot. Seems I was not strong to walk again," said the donkey. Ahead, look a river. "Ah, there's the river! Better that I stopped a moment," said the donkey happily. Without thinking, he went into the river and byuur! The donkey slipped and fell. He tried to stand up again, but to no avail. Ass a long time trying to stand up. Surprisingly, the longer being in the water, he felt the weight on his back getting lighter. Finally, the donkey could stand again. "Geez, salts out!" master said angrily. "Oh, sorry! Salts dissolved in the water huh?" said the donkey. A few days later, the donkey was assigned again to bring salt. As usual, he had to walk through the mountains with his master. "Soon there will be a river up ahead," said the donkey in the liver. When walking across the river, donkey threw himself on purpose. Byuuur!. Of course salt is in his back became soluble in water. The load becomes lighter. "This is fun! So soft!" donkey said lightly. However, knowing the ass doing it deliberately, his master became angry. "You lazy ass!" master said grimly. The next day, the donkey got the task of bringing cotton. Once again, he walked with his master through the mountains. When we reached the river, again flopped ass on purpose. Byuuur!. But what happened? Load becomes heavy. Apparently the cotton absorbs water and becomes heavy as stone. Inevitably, the donkey must be kept current with the existing load on his back. Donkey staggering under the hot sun, carrying heavy loads on his back. WISDOM: Think before acting. Because of the wrong actions will cause harm to us.
On a summer day, looking a donkey walking in the mountains. Donkey was carrying several sacks of salt on his back. Sacks was very heavy, while the sun shone hot. "Oh hot. Seems I was not strong to walk again," said the donkey. Ahead, look a river. "Ah, there's the river! Better that I stopped a moment," said the donkey happily. Without thinking, he went into the river and byuur! The donkey slipped and fell. He tried to stand up again, but to no avail. Ass a long time trying to stand up. Surprisingly, the longer being in the water, he felt the weight on his back getting lighter. Finally, the donkey could stand again. "Geez, salts out!" master said angrily. "Oh, sorry! Salts dissolved in the water huh?" said the donkey. A few days later, the donkey was assigned again to bring salt. As usual, he had to walk through the mountains with his master. "Soon there will be a river up ahead," said the donkey in the liver. When walking across the river, donkey threw himself on purpose. Byuuur!. Of course salt is in his back became soluble in water. The load becomes lighter. "This is fun! So soft!" donkey said lightly. However, knowing the ass doing it deliberately, his master became angry. "You lazy ass!" master said grimly. The next day, the donkey got the task of bringing cotton. Once again, he walked with his master through the mountains. When we reached the river, again flopped ass on purpose. Byuuur!. But what happened? Load becomes heavy. Apparently the cotton absorbs water and becomes heavy as stone. Inevitably, the donkey must be kept current with the existing load on his back. Donkey staggering under the hot sun, carrying heavy loads on his back. WISDOM: Think before acting. Because of the wrong actions will cause harm to us.
Ditulis Oleh : Anonymous ~ Dongeng dan cerita anak

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