Di sebuah kerajaan, ada seorang putri yang bernama Melati Wangi. Ia seorang putri yang cantik dan pandai. Di rumahnya ia selalu menyanyi. Tetapi sayangnya ia seorang yang sombong dan suka menganggap rendah orang lain. Di rumahnya ia tidak pernah mau jika disuruh menyapu oleh ibunya. Selain itu ia juga tidak mau jika disuruh belajar memasak. "Tidak, aku tidak mau menyapu dan memasak nanti tanganku kasar dan aku jadi kotor", kata Putri Melati Wangi setiap kali disuruh menyapu dan belajar memasak. Sejak kecil Putri Melati Wangi sudah dijodohkan dengan seorang pangeran yang bernama Pangeran Tanduk Rusa. Pangeran Tanduk Rusa adalah seorang pangeran yang tampan dan gagah. Ia selalu berburu rusa dan binatang lainnya tiap satu bulan di hutan. Karena itu ia dipanggil tanduk rusa. Suatu hari, Putri Melati Wangi berjalan-jalan di taman. Ia melihat seekor kupu-kupu yang cantik sekali warnanya. Ia ingin menangkap kupu-kupu itu tetapi kupu-kupu itu segera terbang. Putri Melati Wangi terus mengejarnya sampai ia tidak sadar sudah masuk ke hutan. Sesampainya di hutan, Melati Wangi tersesat. Ia tidak tahu jalan pulang dan haripun sudah mulai gelap. Akhirnya setelah terus berjalan, ia menemukan sebuah gubuk yang biasa digunakan para pemburu untuk beristirahat. Akhirnya Melati Wangi tinggal digubuk tersebut. Karena tidak ada makanan Putri Melati Wangi terpaksa memakan buah-buahan yang ada di hutan itu. Bajunya yang semula bagus, kini menjadi robek dan compang camping akibat tersangkut duri dan ranting pohon. Kulitnya yang dulu putih dan mulus kini menjadi hitam dan tergores- gores karena terkena sinar matahari dan duri. Setelah sebulan berada di hutan, ia melihat Pangeran Tanduk Rusa datang sambil memanggul seekor rusa buruannya. "Hai Tanduk Rusa, aku Melati Wangi, tolong antarkan aku pulang," kata Melati Wangi. "Siapa? Melati Wangi? Melati wangi seorang Putri yang cantik dan bersih, sedang engkau mirip seorang pengemis", kata Pangeran Tanduk Rusa. Ia tidak mengenali lagi Melati Wangi. Karena Melati Wangi terus memohon, akhirnya Pangeran Tanduk Rusa berkata," Baiklah, aku akan membawamu ke Kerajaan ku". Setelah sampai di Kerajaan Pangeran Tanduk Rusa. Melati Wangi di suruh mencuci, menyapu dan memasak. Ia juga diberikan kamar yang kecil dan agak gelap. "Mengapa nasibku menjadi begini?", keluh Melati Wangi. Setelah satu tahun berlalu, Putri Melati Wangi bertekad untuk pulang. Ia merasa uang tabungan yang ia kumpulkan dari hasil kerjanya sudah mencukupi. Sesampainya di rumahnya, Putri Melati Wangi disambut gembira oleh keluarganya yang mengira Putri Melati Wangi sudah meninggal dunia. Sejak itu Putri Melati Wangi menjadi seorang putri yang rajin. Ia merasa mendapatkan pelajaran yang sangat berharga selama berada di hutan dan di Kerajaan Pangeran Tanduk Rusa. Akhirnya setahun kemudian Putri Melati Wangi dinikahkan dengan Pangeran Tanduk Rusa. Setelah menikah, Putri Melati Wangi dan Pangeran Tanduk Rusa hidup berbahagia sampai hari tuanya.
In a kingdom, there was a princess named Wangi Melati. He was a beautiful and intelligent daughter. At home he was always singing. But unfortunately he is a proud and like to look down on others. In his house he never would if asked by his mother sweep. Besides, he also did not want to if asked to learn to cook. "No, I do not want to sweep and cook later I got my hands rough and dirty", said Princess Bed fragrance each time was told to sweep and learn to cook. Since childhood daughter Wangi Melati already betrothed to a prince named Deer Horn prince. Deer Horn prince was a handsome prince and a gallant. He always hunt deer and other animals in the forest every single month. He therefore called antlers. One day, Princess Wangi Melati a walk in the park. He saw a beautiful butterfly once the color. He wants to catch the butterfly but the butterfly was soon flying. Wangi Melati daughter kept chasing him until he unknowingly had gone into the woods. Arriving at the forest, Wangi Melati lost. He did not know the way home and haripun already getting dark. Finally, after continued walking, he found a hut that is often used by hunters to rest. Finally Wangi Melati stay digubuk it. Since no food Wangi Melati daughter forced to eat the fruits in the forest. His clothes were originally good, now torn and tattered due to snagging thorns and twigs. Her once white and smooth now black and scarred from the sun and thorns. After a month in the forest, he saw Prince Horn of deer come deer while carrying prey. "Deer Horn Hi, I Wangi Melati, please Take me home," said Wangi Melati. "Who? Wangi Melati? Melati scent of a beautiful princess and clean, you're like a beggar," said the Prince Horn of deer. He did not recognize anymore Wangi Melati. Because Wangi Melati continued to plead, Deer Horn Prince finally said, "Okay, I'll take you to my kingdom." After arriving at the Royal Prince Horn of deer. Fragrant jasmine told to washing, sweeping and cooking. He was also given the rooms are small and a bit dark. "Why is my destiny to be this way?", Lamented Wangi Melati. After a year passed, Wangi Melati daughter was determined to go home. He was saving money he collected from his work to be sufficient. Arriving at his home, Wangi Melati Princess welcomed by her family who thought Wangi Melati daughter had died. Since then Wangi Melati daughter become a princess who diligently. He was getting a very valuable lesson while in the woods and in the kingdom of the Prince of Deer Horn. Finally, a year later Wangi Melati daughter married to the Prince of Deer Horn. After marriage, Princess and Prince Wangi Melati Deer Horn lived happily until old age.
In a kingdom, there was a princess named Wangi Melati. He was a beautiful and intelligent daughter. At home he was always singing. But unfortunately he is a proud and like to look down on others. In his house he never would if asked by his mother sweep. Besides, he also did not want to if asked to learn to cook. "No, I do not want to sweep and cook later I got my hands rough and dirty", said Princess Bed fragrance each time was told to sweep and learn to cook. Since childhood daughter Wangi Melati already betrothed to a prince named Deer Horn prince. Deer Horn prince was a handsome prince and a gallant. He always hunt deer and other animals in the forest every single month. He therefore called antlers. One day, Princess Wangi Melati a walk in the park. He saw a beautiful butterfly once the color. He wants to catch the butterfly but the butterfly was soon flying. Wangi Melati daughter kept chasing him until he unknowingly had gone into the woods. Arriving at the forest, Wangi Melati lost. He did not know the way home and haripun already getting dark. Finally, after continued walking, he found a hut that is often used by hunters to rest. Finally Wangi Melati stay digubuk it. Since no food Wangi Melati daughter forced to eat the fruits in the forest. His clothes were originally good, now torn and tattered due to snagging thorns and twigs. Her once white and smooth now black and scarred from the sun and thorns. After a month in the forest, he saw Prince Horn of deer come deer while carrying prey. "Deer Horn Hi, I Wangi Melati, please Take me home," said Wangi Melati. "Who? Wangi Melati? Melati scent of a beautiful princess and clean, you're like a beggar," said the Prince Horn of deer. He did not recognize anymore Wangi Melati. Because Wangi Melati continued to plead, Deer Horn Prince finally said, "Okay, I'll take you to my kingdom." After arriving at the Royal Prince Horn of deer. Fragrant jasmine told to washing, sweeping and cooking. He was also given the rooms are small and a bit dark. "Why is my destiny to be this way?", Lamented Wangi Melati. After a year passed, Wangi Melati daughter was determined to go home. He was saving money he collected from his work to be sufficient. Arriving at his home, Wangi Melati Princess welcomed by her family who thought Wangi Melati daughter had died. Since then Wangi Melati daughter become a princess who diligently. He was getting a very valuable lesson while in the woods and in the kingdom of the Prince of Deer Horn. Finally, a year later Wangi Melati daughter married to the Prince of Deer Horn. After marriage, Princess and Prince Wangi Melati Deer Horn lived happily until old age.
Ditulis Oleh : Anonymous ~ Dongeng dan cerita anak

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