Di hutan yang rindang, hidup seekor anak landak yang merasa kesepian. Landi namanya. Landi tidak mempunyai teman karena teman-temannya takut tertusuk duri tajam yang ada di badannya. "Maaf Landi, kami ingin bermain denganmu, tapi durimu sangat tajam," kata Cici dan teman-temannya. Tinggallah Landi sendirian. Ia hanya bisa bersedih. "Mengapa mereka tidak mau berteman dan bermain denganku?, padahal tidak ada seekor binatang pun yang pernah tertusuk duriku," gumam Landi. Hari-hari berikutnya Landi hanya melamun di tepi sungai. "Ah, andai saja semua duriku ini hilang, aku bisa bebas bermain dengan teman-temanku", kata Landi dalam hati. Landi merasa tidaklah adil hidupnya ini, selalu dijauhi teman-temannya. Ketika sedang asyik dengan lamunannya, muncullah Kuku Kura-kura. "Apa yang sedang kau lamunkan, Landi?" sapa kuku mengejutkan. "Ah, tidak ada," jawab Landi malu. "Jika kau mempunyai masalah, aku siap mendengarkannya," kata Kuku. Kuku kura-kura kemudian duduk di sebelah Landi. Lalu Landi mulai bercerita tentang masalahnya. "Kau tak perlu khawatir. Aku bersedia menjadi sahabatmu. Percayalah!" kata kuku sambil menjabat tangan Landi. Betapa girangnya hati Landi. Kini ia mempunyai teman. "Tempurungmu tampak begitu berat. Apa kau tidak merasa tersiksa?" tanya Landi. "Oh, sama sekali tidak. Justru tempurung ini sangat berguna. Tempurung ini bisa melindungiku. Jika ada bahaya, aku hanya perlu menarik kaki dan kepalaku ke dalam. Hebat kan? Selain itu aku tak perlu repot mencari tempat tinggal. "Rumahku ini bisa berpindah-pindah sesuai keinginanku", kata Kuku kura-kura sambil mempraktekkan apa yang dikatakannya. Landi landak merasa terhibur. Suatu hari, teman Landi yang bernama Sam Kodok berulang tahun. Semua diundang, termasuk Landi Landak. "Ayo Landi, kau harus datang ke pesta itu," bujuk Kuku kura-kura. "Aku tidak mau karena nanti teman-teman yang lain pasti akan menjauhiku karena takut tertusuk duri," kata Landi dengan sedih. "Jangan khawatir, kau kan tidak sendirian. Aku akan menemanimu. Di sana banyak kue yang lezat dam tentu saja buah apel loh!" Mendengar kata apel, Landi menjadi tergoda. Ia memang sangat menyukai apel. Akhirnya Landi mau juga berangkat bersama Kuku kura-kura. Pesta Sam kodok sangat meriah. Wangi aneka bunga tercium disetiap sudut ruangan. Ada dua meja panjang diletakkan di sisi kiri dan kanan halaman Sam kodok. Di atasnya tersedia berbagai macam kue dan buah-buahan. "Lihat! Di dekat meja ada satu tong sirup apel!, kata Landi". Landi dan Kuku kura-kura memberikan selamat pada Sam kodok. Setelah meniup lilin. Semua bertepuk tangan sambil bernyanyi "Selamat Ulang Tahun". Pada saat berdansa, semua yang diundang menghindar dari Landi landak. Mereka takut tertusuk duri Landi landak. Akhirnya, Kuku kura-kura lah yang menemani Landi berdansa. Tiba-tiba, pesta yang mengasyikkan itu terhenti dengan teriakan Tito. Ia datang sambil berlari ketakutan. "Awas! Serigala jahat datang! Tolong...! Tolong...! Teriaknya dengan napas tersengal-sengal. Semua menjadi ketakutan. Mereka berlarian menyelamatkan diri. Karena tidak bisa berlari, Kuku kura-kura langsung memasukkan kepala dan kakinya ke tempurung rumahnya. Sedangkan Landi Landak segera menggulung tubuhnya menjadi seperti bola. Serigala jahat yang mengejar teman-teman Landi tidak melihat tubuh Landi. Tiba-tiba, "Brukk, aduhhh..." teriak serigala jahat. Ia tertusuk duri tajam Landi Landak. Sambil menahan sakit, Serigala jahat langsung lari tunggang langgang. Maka selamatlah Landi dan teman-temannya. "Hore..! Hore...! Hidup Landi Landak!" semua binatang mengelukan Landi. Landi menjadi tersipu malu karenanya. "Maafkan aku Landi, selama ini aku menjauhimu. Padahal kau tidak pernah menyakitiku. Ternyata duri tajammu itu telah menyelamatkan kita semua," sesal Cici Kelinci. Akhirnya semua yang datang ke pesta Sam Kodok meminta maaf pada Landi Landak karena telah menjauhinya kemudian mereka pun berterima kasih pada Landi Landak karena telah melindungi mereka dari serigala jahat. Kini, Landi Landak tidak merasa kesepian lagi. Teman-temannya tidak takut lagi akan durinya yang tajam. Bahkan mereka merasa aman jika Landi berada di dekat mereka. *ENGLISH VERSION*
In the lush green forest, lived a young hedgehog who feel lonely. Landi name. Landi has no friends because his friends fear that there is a sharp thorn in the body. "Sorry Landi, we want to play with, but durimu very sharp," said Cici and his friends. Stay Landi alone. He could only grieve. "Why do not they want to be friends and play with me?, But no animal has ever been punctured thorns," muttered Landi. The following days Landi just daydreaming on the river. "Ah, if only my thorns is lost, I can freely play with my friends," said Landi in the liver. Landi felt it was unfair life is, always shunned his friends. While I was engrossed in his thoughts, came Nails Turtles. "What are you lamunkan, Landi?" hello nail surprising. "Ah, no," said Landi shame. "If you have a problem, I'm ready to listen," said Nail. Nails turtles then sat next Landi. Then Landi began to talk about the problem. "You do not have to worry. I'm willing to be your friend. Believe!" Nail said as he shook hands Landi. What a joy liver Landi. Now he has a friend. "Tempurungmu seem so heavy. Did not you feel miserable?" asked Landi. "Oh, absolutely not. Precisely shell is very useful. Shell could protect me. If there is danger, I just need to pull the legs and head inside. Wonderful is not it? Other than that I do not need to find a place to stay. "My house could move on my terms, "said the tortoise nails while practicing what he said. Landi urchins amused. One day, a friend named Sam Beetle Landi birthday. All are invited, including Landi Hedgehog. "Come Landi, you must come to the party," persuaded nails tortoise. "I do not want to because then other friends will definitely stay away for fear of thorn, "Landi said sadly." Do not worry, you're not alone. I'll company. There are many delicious cakes dam loh course apples! "Hearing the word apple, Landi be tempted. He was very fond of apples. Finally Landi would also depart with nails tortoise. Sam frog party very festive. Fragrance of many flowers wafted in every corner of the room. There were two long tables placed on either side of the page Sam frog. On it available a variety of pastries and fruits. "Look at the table there is a barrel of apple syrup!, Landi said." Landi and Nails turtles congratulate Sam frogs. After blowing out candles. All clap while singing "Happy Birthday". At the dance, all are invited to avoid Landi hedgehog. They fear thorn Landi hedgehog. Finally, nails tortoise who Landi accompany dancing. Suddenly, a fun party was interrupted by cries Tito. He came running scared. "Look out! Evil wolf coming! Help ...! Help ...! Cried, breathless. All be terrified. They ran to save themselves. Due could not run, nails tortoise directly enter head and legs into his shell. While Landi Hedgehog immediately curled into a ball. Big bad wolf chasing friends Landi Landi did not see the body. Suddenly, "Brukk, aduhhh ..." shouted the big bad wolf. He was a sharp thorn Landi Hedgehog. While the pain, evil wolves ran helter-skelter. So safe! Landi and his friends. "Hurray ..! Hooray ...! Living Landi Hedgehog!" all animals mengelukan Landi. Landi be embarrassed by it. "I'm sorry Landi, I've been away from you. Though you never hurt me. Apparently tajammu thorn that has saved us all," regrets Cici Rabbit. Finally, all that came to the party to apologize to Sam Frog Landi Hedgehog because they had been away from her then Landi Hedgehog thanked for protecting them from the big bad wolf. Now, Landi Hedgehog does not feel lonely anymore. Her friends no longer be afraid of sharp thorns. Even if they feel safe Landi near them.
In the lush green forest, lived a young hedgehog who feel lonely. Landi name. Landi has no friends because his friends fear that there is a sharp thorn in the body. "Sorry Landi, we want to play with, but durimu very sharp," said Cici and his friends. Stay Landi alone. He could only grieve. "Why do not they want to be friends and play with me?, But no animal has ever been punctured thorns," muttered Landi. The following days Landi just daydreaming on the river. "Ah, if only my thorns is lost, I can freely play with my friends," said Landi in the liver. Landi felt it was unfair life is, always shunned his friends. While I was engrossed in his thoughts, came Nails Turtles. "What are you lamunkan, Landi?" hello nail surprising. "Ah, no," said Landi shame. "If you have a problem, I'm ready to listen," said Nail. Nails turtles then sat next Landi. Then Landi began to talk about the problem. "You do not have to worry. I'm willing to be your friend. Believe!" Nail said as he shook hands Landi. What a joy liver Landi. Now he has a friend. "Tempurungmu seem so heavy. Did not you feel miserable?" asked Landi. "Oh, absolutely not. Precisely shell is very useful. Shell could protect me. If there is danger, I just need to pull the legs and head inside. Wonderful is not it? Other than that I do not need to find a place to stay. "My house could move on my terms, "said the tortoise nails while practicing what he said. Landi urchins amused. One day, a friend named Sam Beetle Landi birthday. All are invited, including Landi Hedgehog. "Come Landi, you must come to the party," persuaded nails tortoise. "I do not want to because then other friends will definitely stay away for fear of thorn, "Landi said sadly." Do not worry, you're not alone. I'll company. There are many delicious cakes dam loh course apples! "Hearing the word apple, Landi be tempted. He was very fond of apples. Finally Landi would also depart with nails tortoise. Sam frog party very festive. Fragrance of many flowers wafted in every corner of the room. There were two long tables placed on either side of the page Sam frog. On it available a variety of pastries and fruits. "Look at the table there is a barrel of apple syrup!, Landi said." Landi and Nails turtles congratulate Sam frogs. After blowing out candles. All clap while singing "Happy Birthday". At the dance, all are invited to avoid Landi hedgehog. They fear thorn Landi hedgehog. Finally, nails tortoise who Landi accompany dancing. Suddenly, a fun party was interrupted by cries Tito. He came running scared. "Look out! Evil wolf coming! Help ...! Help ...! Cried, breathless. All be terrified. They ran to save themselves. Due could not run, nails tortoise directly enter head and legs into his shell. While Landi Hedgehog immediately curled into a ball. Big bad wolf chasing friends Landi Landi did not see the body. Suddenly, "Brukk, aduhhh ..." shouted the big bad wolf. He was a sharp thorn Landi Hedgehog. While the pain, evil wolves ran helter-skelter. So safe! Landi and his friends. "Hurray ..! Hooray ...! Living Landi Hedgehog!" all animals mengelukan Landi. Landi be embarrassed by it. "I'm sorry Landi, I've been away from you. Though you never hurt me. Apparently tajammu thorn that has saved us all," regrets Cici Rabbit. Finally, all that came to the party to apologize to Sam Frog Landi Hedgehog because they had been away from her then Landi Hedgehog thanked for protecting them from the big bad wolf. Now, Landi Hedgehog does not feel lonely anymore. Her friends no longer be afraid of sharp thorns. Even if they feel safe Landi near them.
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