Siang itu angin berhembus sepoi-sepoi. Moni duduk di dahan sambil mengantuk. Tiba-tiba perutnya berbunyi keroncongan dan terasa lapar. Ia membayangkan betapa enaknya bila makan buah-buahan. Tetapi ia kemudian tersentak mengingat kata-kata temannya. Ia dikatakan sebagai si Serakah, si Rakus, si Tukang Makan, dan sebagainya. Bahkan ia terngiang kata-kata pak tani yang memarahinya. "Awas, kalau mencuri lagi! Kubunuh, Kau! Kalau kau ingin makan buah-buahan tanamlah sendiri! Bekerja dan berusahalah dengan baik!" kata petani dengan geram. Bulu kuduknya berdiri ketika ia teringat pernah dipukuli ketika mencuri pisang dan mangga di kebun pak tani. Moni kemudian berpikir bagaimana cara mendapatkan makanan agar tidak dimarahi orang. "Ah, lebih baik saya mencari sahabat karibku! Mudah-mudahan ia dapat membantuku," kata Moni dalam hati. Ia kemudian turun dari pohon dan berjalan mencari katak sahabat karibnya. Setibanya di pematang sawah, sambil bernyanyi ia memanggil sahabat karibnya tersebut. "Pung... ketipung ... pung! He... he... he...! Katak sahabatku, mengapa engkau sudah lama tak muncul? Ini sahabatmu datang! Saya rindu sekali padamu! Muncullah ... muncullah!" Mendengar nyanyian tersebut katak muncul sambil bernyayi "Teot... teot! Teot... teblung! Ini aku si Katak datang!" Aku juga rindu padamu. Bagaimana aku muncul, bila kau sendiri tak muncul?" Kedua binatang tersebut kemudian berbincang-bincang untuk melepaskan kerinduannya. Pada kesempatan itu juga si Monyet menyampaikan maksudnya. "Katak sahabatku, bagaimana kalau kita bekerja sama untuk menanam buah-buahan," ajak monyet. "Wah, saya setuju sekali. Tetapi buah apa ya yang paling enak dan paling mudah ditanam?" jawab Katak. "Lebih baik kita menanam pisang saja! Bibitnya mudah didapat dan cara menanamnyapun mudah, bagaimana?" kata monyet sambil bertanya. "Baiklah, saya akan mencari bibitnya. Biasanya banyak batang pohon pisang yang hanyut di sungai. Mari kita ke tepi sungai!" jawab katak sambil mengajak monyet. Mereka kemudian ke tepi sungai sambil berbincang-bincang dengan akrabnya. Sesampainya di tepi sungai ia bermain-main sambil menunggu bila ada batang pisang yang hanyut. Benar juga! Tak lama kemudian ada sebatang pohon pisang yang hanyut. "Nah, itu dia!" Teriak katak sambil menunjuk batang pisang yang hanyut. "Mari kita seret ke tepi!" ajak moni. "Mari!" jawab katak. Mereka terjun ke sungai dan menyeret batang pisang ke tepi sungai. Sesampainya di tepi, mereka angkat batang pisang itu ke daratan. Mereka kemudian menunggu kalau ada batang pisang yang hanyut lagi tetapi tak kunjung datang. "Menunggu itu membosankan," kata monyet menggerutu. "Ya, kalau begitu besok kita ke sini lagi! Kita tunggu bila ada batang pisang yang hanyut lagi! Yang ini untukku," kata katak sambil memegang batang pisang. "Ah, jangan curang! Ini milik kita berdua. Dari pada menunggu sampai besok sebaiknya kita bagi saja batang pohon pisang ini sekarang," kata monyet. "Baiklah, kita potong saja batang pohon pisang ini menjadi dua. Kamu bagian bawah sedang saya yang bagian atas" kata katak. "Ah, jangan curang! Yang dapat berbuah kan bagian atas! Saya sangat memerlukan buah itu dari pada kamu. Nanti yang bagian bawah juga dapat berbuah," kata monyet membujuk katak. "Baiklah, kita kan bersahabat. Seorang sahabat haruslah saling mengerti dan saling menolong. Kita tidak boleh bertengkar hanya karena perkara kecil. Bawalah yang bagian atas! Saya cukup yang bagian bawah saja," kata katak penuh perhatian. Mereka akhirnya membawa bagian masing-masing ke hutan. Moni membawa batang pisang bagian atas dan katak bagian bawah untuk ditanam. Setiap sebulan sekali monyet mengunjungi katak. Mereka saling menanyakan tanamannya. "Bagaimana tanaman pisangmu?" tanya moni. "Ha... ha..., lihat saja itu! Subur bukan?! Tanamanku sangat subur. Daunnya begitu lebat." Jawab katak sambil menunjukkan tanamannya. "Bagaimana dengan tanamanmu?" tanya katak lebih lanjut. "Wah..., tanamanku juga demikian!" jawab moni membohongi temannya. Ia bohong karena tanamannya sudah mati. Batang bagian atas tak mungkin hidup bila ditanam. Bulan berikutnya moni datang lagi. Ia bertanya kepada katak tentang tanamannya. "Bagaimana tanamanmu?" tanya moni. "Wah, tanaman pisangku sangat subur, dan sekarang sudah berbuah. Bagaimana pula tanamanmu?" jawab katak sambil menanyakan tanaman si Moni. "Demikian juga tanamanku, sudah berbuah. Bahkan buahnya besar-besar," jawab moni berbohong. Mereka kemudian berbincang-bincang sambil bergurau. Setelah selesai, moni kembali ke hutan. Pada kunjungan berikutnya ternyata buah pisangnya sudah masak tetapi katak tidak dapat memetiknya karena tidak dapat memanjat pohon pisang tersebut. Katakpun meminta bantuan kepada moni yang sedang berkunjung. "Moni, tolong petikkan pisangku yang sudah masak itu!" pinta katak kepada moni. "Wah, dengan senang hati, mari kita ke sana!" jawab moni sambil mengajak katak. Monipun segera memanjat pohon pisang dan sesampainya di atas ia segera memetik dan mencoba memakannya. "Wah, ranum benar pisangmu!" teriak moni dari atas pohon pisang. "Hai moni, jangan kau makan sendiri saja. Cepat petikkan sesisir dulu untukku" teriak katak sambil memohon. "Ya, nanti dulu! Aku belum selesai memakannya. " sahut moni. Satu, demi satu dimakannya pisang tersebut oleh moni, setiap katak meminta ada saja jawaban si Moni. Katak tak pernah diberi. Bahkan si Katak hanya dilempari kulitnya. "Kamu lebih baik makan kulitnya saja, Tak! Ini bagianmu, terimalah! kata moni. Katakpun berang dilecehkan oleh moni. Ia pun berkata dalam hati untuk memberikan pelajaran kepada moni yang serakah tersebut. "Baiklah, habiskan saja pisangku. Aku sudah tak berminat lagi. Aku sudah kenyang makan nyamuk. Makanan utamaku kan nyamuk, bukan pisang seperti makananmu." kata katak dengan kesal. "Ha... ha... ha..., katak...katak..., salahmu sendiri kamu tak dapat memanjat. Kamu hanya dapat meloncat-loncat saja. Coba perhatikan saya! Saya dapat berjalan, meloncat dan memanjat. Makanankupun lebih banyak jenisnya daripada kamu. Kamu lebih baik makan nyamuk saja. Pisang ini sebenarnya untukku bukan untukmu," kata moni dengan congkak. "Dasar moni serakah! Sudahlah, jangan banyak bicara! Cepat habiskan saja pisangku! Sebentar lagi batangnya akan saya tebang," kata katak dengan marah. Selesai berbicara katakpun mulai menebang batang pohon pisangnya. Moni segera mempercepat makannya. Tak terasa ia mulai kenyang dan mengantuk. Batang pohon pisang mulai bergoyang dan akan roboh tetapi moni tak dapat menahan kantuknya. Lebih-lebih goyangannya batang pohon pisang dianggapnya sebagai ayunan yang meninabobokkan. Akhirnya ia jatuh. Perutnya terkena ujung pohon kayu kering yang runcing dan badannya tertimpa batang pohon pisang.
That afternoon breeze breeze. Moni sat in the branches while sleepy. Suddenly, his stomach grumbling and feeling hungry. He imagined how good when eating fruits. But he then jerks recall the words of his friend. He said as the greedy, the greedy, the Tailor Eating, and so on. In fact, he echoed the words of the farmer who scolded him. "Look, if you steal again! I'll kill, you? If you want to eat fruit plant itself! Work and try it well!" farmer said grimly. Feather back of her neck stood up when he recalled being beaten when stealing bananas and mango orchard farm pack. Moni then think how to get food so as not to get yelled at people. "Ah, I better find my best friend! Hopefully he can help me," said Moni in the liver. He then walked down from the tree and look for frogs close friend. Arriving in the rice field, while singing he called his best friend is. "Pung ... ketipung ... pung! He ... he ... he ...! Frogs best friend, why do you have long failed to appear? These friend coming! I miss you so much! Emerged ... comes!" Hear the singing frogs appear while singing "Teot ... teot! Teot ... teblung! Come the Frog's me!" I missed you. How do I show up, if you yourself do not appear? "Both animals were then talked to release his desire. On that occasion also the Monkey convey meaning. "Frogs best friend, why do not we work together to grow fruits," said the monkey. "Well, I totally agree. But the fruit of what is it the most convenient and most easily grown?" The frog replied. "Better to plant bananas! Seed cost readily available and easy ways to plant, how?" monkey said as he asked. "All right, I'll look for seeds. Usually many banana trees were swept away in the river. Lets get to the river!" while inviting monkey frog replied. They then to the river bank while talking to her nickname. Arriving at the river bank he play around while waiting if there is a drift of banana stem. True enough! Soon there was a banana tree drifting. "Well, that's it!" Frogs shouted, pointing at a drifting banana stems. "Let's drag it to the edge!" moni invite. "Come!" said the frog. They jumped into the river and dragged the trunk to the edge of the river. Arriving at the edge, they lift the trunk into the mainland. They then wait if there are banana trees swept away again but it did not come. "Waiting is boring," said the monkey bitch. "Well, then tomorrow we are here more! We wait when there are banana trees swept away again! That was me, "said the frog while holding a banana trunk. "Ah, do not cheat! It belongs to both of us. Instead of let's wait until tomorrow for the first banana tree is right now," said the monkey. "Well, we just cut a banana tree trunks into two. You're the bottom of my upper" said the frog. "Ah, do not cheat! Which can bear it the top! Fruit that I really need from you. Later the bottom can also be fruitful," said the monkey coax frogs. "Well, we're friends. A friend should understand each other and help each other. We must not fight just because of a small matter. Carry the top! I was the bottom of it," said the frog attentive. They eventually took part each to the forest. Moni took banana stem top and bottom of the frog to be planted. Once a month to visit the monkey frog. They were asking the plant. "How is your banana plant?" asked moni. "Ha ... ha ..., look at that! Lush is not it?! My plants are very fertile. Leaves are so dense." Answer frog pointing plants. "What about your plant?" the frog asked further. "Well ..., my plants, too!" moni lied to her friend said. He lied because the plants were dead. Upper stem can not live if planted. Moni come again next month. He asked the frog about the plants. "How is your plant?" asked moni. "Well, very lush banana plants, and now it fruitful. How does your plant?" frog said while asking the Moni plant. "Likewise my plants, has been fruitful. Even the big men," said Moni lying. They then talked jokingly. Once completed, moni back into the woods. On my next visit turns banana fruit is ripe but frogs can not pick it up because it can not climb the banana tree. Frogs have recourse to moni who was visiting. "Moni, please cited by banana is ripe it!" pleaded frog to moni. "Well, be happy, let's get to it!" Moni said while inviting frog. Monipun immediately climb a banana tree and when he got up he was soon picking and trying to eat it. "Well, right pisangmu ripe!" moni shouted from the top of the banana tree. "Hi Moni, do you eat alone. Hurry cited by a bunch of me first" frog cried while begging. "Yeah, whoa! I have not finished eating." Said Moni. One, by one, by moni eating bananas, every frog asks Moni was the only answer. Frogs have never been. Even the Frog just pelted her skin. "You better eat the skin only, No! These part, accept! Said Moni. Frog beaver harassed by moni. He also told myself to give lessons to the moni greedy." Well, spend just banana. I'm not interested anymore. I've had enough to eat mosquitoes. Food homepage the mosquitoes, not bananas like your food. "Said the frog in disgust." Ha ... ha ... ha ..., frog ... frog ..., your own fault you can not climb. You can only jump about it. Consider me! I can run, jump and climb. My food is more kind than you. You better eat mosquitoes only. Banana is actually for me and not for you, "said the cavalier moni. "Basic moni greedy! Let's not much to say! Hurry spend just banana! Soon I will cut down the trunk," the frog said angrily. Done talking frogs began to cut down banana trees. Moni to speed eating. There he began to feel full and sleepy. Banana trees began to sway and would collapse but could not resist moni sleepily. The more rocking banana trees regarded as a lulling swing. Eventually he fell. His stomach hit the tip of the pointed trees dried and crushed his banana trees.
That afternoon breeze breeze. Moni sat in the branches while sleepy. Suddenly, his stomach grumbling and feeling hungry. He imagined how good when eating fruits. But he then jerks recall the words of his friend. He said as the greedy, the greedy, the Tailor Eating, and so on. In fact, he echoed the words of the farmer who scolded him. "Look, if you steal again! I'll kill, you? If you want to eat fruit plant itself! Work and try it well!" farmer said grimly. Feather back of her neck stood up when he recalled being beaten when stealing bananas and mango orchard farm pack. Moni then think how to get food so as not to get yelled at people. "Ah, I better find my best friend! Hopefully he can help me," said Moni in the liver. He then walked down from the tree and look for frogs close friend. Arriving in the rice field, while singing he called his best friend is. "Pung ... ketipung ... pung! He ... he ... he ...! Frogs best friend, why do you have long failed to appear? These friend coming! I miss you so much! Emerged ... comes!" Hear the singing frogs appear while singing "Teot ... teot! Teot ... teblung! Come the Frog's me!" I missed you. How do I show up, if you yourself do not appear? "Both animals were then talked to release his desire. On that occasion also the Monkey convey meaning. "Frogs best friend, why do not we work together to grow fruits," said the monkey. "Well, I totally agree. But the fruit of what is it the most convenient and most easily grown?" The frog replied. "Better to plant bananas! Seed cost readily available and easy ways to plant, how?" monkey said as he asked. "All right, I'll look for seeds. Usually many banana trees were swept away in the river. Lets get to the river!" while inviting monkey frog replied. They then to the river bank while talking to her nickname. Arriving at the river bank he play around while waiting if there is a drift of banana stem. True enough! Soon there was a banana tree drifting. "Well, that's it!" Frogs shouted, pointing at a drifting banana stems. "Let's drag it to the edge!" moni invite. "Come!" said the frog. They jumped into the river and dragged the trunk to the edge of the river. Arriving at the edge, they lift the trunk into the mainland. They then wait if there are banana trees swept away again but it did not come. "Waiting is boring," said the monkey bitch. "Well, then tomorrow we are here more! We wait when there are banana trees swept away again! That was me, "said the frog while holding a banana trunk. "Ah, do not cheat! It belongs to both of us. Instead of let's wait until tomorrow for the first banana tree is right now," said the monkey. "Well, we just cut a banana tree trunks into two. You're the bottom of my upper" said the frog. "Ah, do not cheat! Which can bear it the top! Fruit that I really need from you. Later the bottom can also be fruitful," said the monkey coax frogs. "Well, we're friends. A friend should understand each other and help each other. We must not fight just because of a small matter. Carry the top! I was the bottom of it," said the frog attentive. They eventually took part each to the forest. Moni took banana stem top and bottom of the frog to be planted. Once a month to visit the monkey frog. They were asking the plant. "How is your banana plant?" asked moni. "Ha ... ha ..., look at that! Lush is not it?! My plants are very fertile. Leaves are so dense." Answer frog pointing plants. "What about your plant?" the frog asked further. "Well ..., my plants, too!" moni lied to her friend said. He lied because the plants were dead. Upper stem can not live if planted. Moni come again next month. He asked the frog about the plants. "How is your plant?" asked moni. "Well, very lush banana plants, and now it fruitful. How does your plant?" frog said while asking the Moni plant. "Likewise my plants, has been fruitful. Even the big men," said Moni lying. They then talked jokingly. Once completed, moni back into the woods. On my next visit turns banana fruit is ripe but frogs can not pick it up because it can not climb the banana tree. Frogs have recourse to moni who was visiting. "Moni, please cited by banana is ripe it!" pleaded frog to moni. "Well, be happy, let's get to it!" Moni said while inviting frog. Monipun immediately climb a banana tree and when he got up he was soon picking and trying to eat it. "Well, right pisangmu ripe!" moni shouted from the top of the banana tree. "Hi Moni, do you eat alone. Hurry cited by a bunch of me first" frog cried while begging. "Yeah, whoa! I have not finished eating." Said Moni. One, by one, by moni eating bananas, every frog asks Moni was the only answer. Frogs have never been. Even the Frog just pelted her skin. "You better eat the skin only, No! These part, accept! Said Moni. Frog beaver harassed by moni. He also told myself to give lessons to the moni greedy." Well, spend just banana. I'm not interested anymore. I've had enough to eat mosquitoes. Food homepage the mosquitoes, not bananas like your food. "Said the frog in disgust." Ha ... ha ... ha ..., frog ... frog ..., your own fault you can not climb. You can only jump about it. Consider me! I can run, jump and climb. My food is more kind than you. You better eat mosquitoes only. Banana is actually for me and not for you, "said the cavalier moni. "Basic moni greedy! Let's not much to say! Hurry spend just banana! Soon I will cut down the trunk," the frog said angrily. Done talking frogs began to cut down banana trees. Moni to speed eating. There he began to feel full and sleepy. Banana trees began to sway and would collapse but could not resist moni sleepily. The more rocking banana trees regarded as a lulling swing. Eventually he fell. His stomach hit the tip of the pointed trees dried and crushed his banana trees.
Ditulis Oleh : Anonymous ~ Dongeng dan cerita anak

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