Di sebuah padang rumput di Afrika, seekor Singa sedang menyantap makanan. Tiba-tiba seekor burung elang terbang rendah dan menyambar makanan kepunyaan Singa. "Kurang ajar", kata singa. Sang Raja hutan itu sangat marah sehingga memerintahkan seluruh binatang untuk berkumpul dan menyatakan perang terhadap bangsa burung. "Mulai sekarang segala jenis burung adalah musuh kita, usir mereka semua, jangan disisakan!" kata Singa. Binatang lain setuju sebab mereka merasa telah diperlakukan sama oleh bangsa burung. Ketika malam mulai tiba, bangsa burung kembali ke sarangnya. Kesempatan itu digunakan oleh para Singa dan anak buahnya untuk menyerang. Burung-burung kocar-kacir melarikan diri. Untung masih ada burung hantu yang dapat melihat dengan jelas di malam hari sehingga mereka semua bisa lolos dari serangan singa dan anak buahnya. Melihat bangsa burung kalah, sang kelelawar merasa cemas, sehingga ia bergegas menemui sang raja hutan. Kelelawar berkata, "Sebenarnya aku termasuk bangsa tikus, walaupun aku mempunyai sayap. Maka izinkan aku untuk bergabung dengan kelompokmu, Aku akan mempertaruhkan nyawaku untuk bertempur melawan burung-burung itu". Tanpa berpikir panjang singa pun menyetujui kelelawar masuk dalam kelompoknya. Malam berikutnya kelompok yang dipimpin singa kembali menyerang kelompok burung dan berhasil mengusirnya. Keesokan harinya, menjelang pagi, ketika kelompok Singa sedang istirahat kelompok burung menyerang balik mereka dengan melempari kelompok singa dengan batu dan kacang-kacangan. "Awas hujan batu," teriak para binatang kelompok singa sambil melarikan diri. Sang kelelawar merasa cemas dengan hal tersebut sehingga ia berpikiran untuk kembali bergabung dengan kelompok burung. Ia menemui sang raja burung yaitu burung Elang. "Lihatlah sayapku, Aku ini seekor burung seperti kalian". Elang menerima kelelawar dengan senang hati. Pertempuran berlanjut, kera-kera menunggang gajah atau badak sambil memegang busur dan anak panah. Kepala mereka dilindungi dengan topi dari tempurung kelapa agar tidak mempan dilempari batu. Setelah kelompok singa menang, apa yang dilakukan kelelawar?. Ia bolak balik berpihak kepada kelompok yang menang. Sifat pengecut dan tidak berpendirian yang dimiliki kelelawar lama kelamaan diketahui oleh kedua kelompok singa dan kelompok burung. Mereka sadar bahwa tidak ada gunanya saling bermusuhan. Merekapun bersahabat kembali dan memutuskan untuk mengusir kelelawar dari lingkungan mereka. Kelelawar merasa sangat malu sehingga ia bersembunyi di gua-gua yang gelap. Ia baru menampakkan diri bila malam tiba dengan cara sembunyi-sembunyi.
In a meadow in Africa, a lion was eating food. Suddenly an eagle flying low and grabbing food lion belongs. "Damn," said the lion. The King of the forest was so angry that ordered all the animals to come together and declare war against the birds. "From now on all bird species are our enemies, expel them all, do not be spared!" said the Lion. Other animals agreed because they felt had treated the same by the birds. When the night starts to fall, the nation's bird returned to its nest. The opportunity was used by the Lions and his men to attack. The birds fled in disorder. Fortunately, there are owls can see clearly at night so that they could all escape from a lion attack and his men. Seeing the nation lost bird, the bat feels anxious, so she hurried to see the king of the jungle. Bats said, "Actually, I'm including the rat race, even though I have wings. Then allow me to join your group, I would risk my life to fight against the birds." Without thinking lions approved bats in the group. The next night a group led by a lion attacked again and managed to throw the bird. The next day, in the morning, when the lion is resting against those groups of birds by throwing stones at the lion and nuts. "Beware of hail," cried the lion while the animals escape. The bat was worried about it that he minded to re-join the group of birds. He met the king of birds are birds eagle. "Look at my wings, I was a bird like you". Eagle bat gladly accept. The battle continues, monkeys riding an elephant or rhino holding a bow and arrow. Their heads were covered with a hat from coconut shell that does not work stoned. After the lions win, what do bats?. He was back and forth side with the winning team. Cowardice and not opinionated owned bat over time is known by both the lion and the bird. They realized that there was no point in mutual hostility. And they are friends again and decided to evict bats from their environment. Bats felt so ashamed that he hid in the dark caves. He just showed up when the night came by way of stealth.
In a meadow in Africa, a lion was eating food. Suddenly an eagle flying low and grabbing food lion belongs. "Damn," said the lion. The King of the forest was so angry that ordered all the animals to come together and declare war against the birds. "From now on all bird species are our enemies, expel them all, do not be spared!" said the Lion. Other animals agreed because they felt had treated the same by the birds. When the night starts to fall, the nation's bird returned to its nest. The opportunity was used by the Lions and his men to attack. The birds fled in disorder. Fortunately, there are owls can see clearly at night so that they could all escape from a lion attack and his men. Seeing the nation lost bird, the bat feels anxious, so she hurried to see the king of the jungle. Bats said, "Actually, I'm including the rat race, even though I have wings. Then allow me to join your group, I would risk my life to fight against the birds." Without thinking lions approved bats in the group. The next night a group led by a lion attacked again and managed to throw the bird. The next day, in the morning, when the lion is resting against those groups of birds by throwing stones at the lion and nuts. "Beware of hail," cried the lion while the animals escape. The bat was worried about it that he minded to re-join the group of birds. He met the king of birds are birds eagle. "Look at my wings, I was a bird like you". Eagle bat gladly accept. The battle continues, monkeys riding an elephant or rhino holding a bow and arrow. Their heads were covered with a hat from coconut shell that does not work stoned. After the lions win, what do bats?. He was back and forth side with the winning team. Cowardice and not opinionated owned bat over time is known by both the lion and the bird. They realized that there was no point in mutual hostility. And they are friends again and decided to evict bats from their environment. Bats felt so ashamed that he hid in the dark caves. He just showed up when the night came by way of stealth.
Ditulis Oleh : Anonymous ~ Dongeng dan cerita anak

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