Di hutan hiduplah dua ekor kancil. Mereka bernama Kanca dan Manggut. Kedua ekor kancil itu bersaudara. Manggut adalah kakak dari Kanca. Sebaliknya, Kanca adalah adik dari Manggut. Walaupun mereka bersaudara, tetapi sifat mereka sangatlah berbeda. Kanca rajin dan baik hati. Sedangkan Manggut pemalas dan suka menjahili teman. Suatu hari Manggut kelaparan. Tetapi Manggut malas mencari makan. Akhirnya Manggut mencuri makanan Kanca. Waktu Kanca menanyai kepada Manggut di mana makanannya, Manggut menjawab dicuri tikus. "Ah, mana mungkin dimakan tikus!" kata Kanca. "Iya, kok! Masa sama kakaknya tidak percaya!" jawab Manggut berbohong. Mulanya Kanca tidak percaya dengan omongan Manggut. Tetapi setelah Manggut mengatakannya berkali-kali akhirnya Kanca percaya juga. Kanca memanggil tikus ke rumahnya. "Tikus, apakah kamu mencuri makananku?" tanya Kanca pada tikus. "Ha? Mencuri? Berpikir saja aku belum pernah!" jawab tikus. "Ah, si tikus! Kamu ini membela diri saja! Sudah, Kanca! Dia pasti berbohong," kata Manggut. "Ya, sudahlah! Tikus, sebagai gantinya ambilkan makanan di seberang sungai sana. Tadi aku juga mengambil makanan dari sana, kok!" kata Kanca mengakhiri percakapan. Tikus berjalan ke tepi sungai. Ia menaiki perahu kecil untuk menuju seberang sungai. Sebenarnya tikus tahu kalau Manggut yang mencuri makanan. Sementara itu, di bagian sungai yang lain, Manggut cepat-cepat menyeberangi sungai. Ia hendak memasang perangkap tikus agar tikus terperangkap. Ketika tikus hampir mendekati seberang sungai, tikus melihat perangkap. Tikus yakin kalau perangkap itu dipasang oleh Manggut. Tiba-tiba tikus mendapat ide. Tikus berpura-pura tenggelam dalam sungai. "Aaa... Manggut, tolong aku...!" teriak tikus. Mendengar itu Manggut segera menolong tikus. Tikus meminta Manggut mengantarkannya ke seberang sungai. Manggut tidak bisa berbuat apa- apa. Ia mengantarkan tikus ke seberang sungai. Sesampai di seberang sungai tikus meminta Manggut menemani tikus mengambil makanan. Karena Manggut tidak hati-hati, kakinya terperangkap dalam perangkap tikus. Manggut menyesali perbuatan buruknya dan berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi.
In the forest there lived two-tailed deer. They named Kanca and Manggut. Both tail deer are brothers. NOD is the older brother of Kanca. Conversely, is the younger brother of Manggut Kanca. Although they were brothers, but their properties are very different. Kanca diligent and good-natured. While Manggut lazy and likes menjahili friends. One day Manggut hunger. But Manggut lazy to find food. Finally Manggut Kanca stealing food. When asked to Manggut Kanca where food, Manggut answered stolen rats. "Ah, how could eaten by rats!" Kanca said. "Yes, really! Same period his brother did not believe it!" Manggut responsibility lie. Kanca initially did not believe the talk Manggut. But after Manggut said many times finally Kanca believe also. Kanca summoned to his house mice. "Rats, did you steal my food?" asked Kanca in mice. "Ha? Stealing? Thinking I've never!" responsible mice. "Ah, the rat! Are you defending myself! Already, Kanca! He must be lying," said Manggut. "Oh, never mind! Rat, instead bring me food across the river there. Earlier I also take food from there, too!" Kanca said ending the conversation. Mice walk to the edge of the river. He climbed a small boat to get across the river. Actually rat Manggut know who stole food. Meanwhile, in another part of the river, Manggut quickly cross the river. He wanted to set a mousetrap that caught rat. When nearly across the river rats, mice see trap. Rat traps sure if it was installed by Manggut. Suddenly mice had an idea. Mice pretend drowning in the river. "Aaa ... Manggut, help me ...!" shouted the mice. Hearing that immediately helped Manggut mice. Mice ask Manggut delivered across the river. NOD can not do anything about it. He drove across the river rats. Once across the river rat asked Manggut accompany mice taking food. Because Manggut not careful, his feet caught in the mouse trap. NOD regretting bad behavior and promised not to repeat it again.
In the forest there lived two-tailed deer. They named Kanca and Manggut. Both tail deer are brothers. NOD is the older brother of Kanca. Conversely, is the younger brother of Manggut Kanca. Although they were brothers, but their properties are very different. Kanca diligent and good-natured. While Manggut lazy and likes menjahili friends. One day Manggut hunger. But Manggut lazy to find food. Finally Manggut Kanca stealing food. When asked to Manggut Kanca where food, Manggut answered stolen rats. "Ah, how could eaten by rats!" Kanca said. "Yes, really! Same period his brother did not believe it!" Manggut responsibility lie. Kanca initially did not believe the talk Manggut. But after Manggut said many times finally Kanca believe also. Kanca summoned to his house mice. "Rats, did you steal my food?" asked Kanca in mice. "Ha? Stealing? Thinking I've never!" responsible mice. "Ah, the rat! Are you defending myself! Already, Kanca! He must be lying," said Manggut. "Oh, never mind! Rat, instead bring me food across the river there. Earlier I also take food from there, too!" Kanca said ending the conversation. Mice walk to the edge of the river. He climbed a small boat to get across the river. Actually rat Manggut know who stole food. Meanwhile, in another part of the river, Manggut quickly cross the river. He wanted to set a mousetrap that caught rat. When nearly across the river rats, mice see trap. Rat traps sure if it was installed by Manggut. Suddenly mice had an idea. Mice pretend drowning in the river. "Aaa ... Manggut, help me ...!" shouted the mice. Hearing that immediately helped Manggut mice. Mice ask Manggut delivered across the river. NOD can not do anything about it. He drove across the river rats. Once across the river rat asked Manggut accompany mice taking food. Because Manggut not careful, his feet caught in the mouse trap. NOD regretting bad behavior and promised not to repeat it again.
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