Mia adalah seorang anak yang baik hati. Ia tinggal bersama orangtuanya di suatu desa. Karena ramah dan baik hati, ia mempunyai banyak teman di lingkungan rumah maupun sekolahnya. Mia adalah anak terkecil diantara 4 bersaudara. Setiap harinya, Mia dan kakak-kakaknya selalu diajari kedisiplinan dan budi pekerti oleh orangtuanya. Mia sangat senang dengan binatang. Binatang yang ada di rumahnya, dipeliharanya dengan rajin. Sudah lama Mia ingin memelihara kucing, tetapi Ibunya melarang binatang peliharaan yang dipelihara di dalam rumah karena membuat rumah kotor. Suatu hari, Mia sedang pergi menuju sekolahnya. Ia pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki. Jarak antara rumah dan sekolahnya tidak terlalu jauh hanya 300 meter. Di tengah jalan, ia melihat seekor anak kucing yang masih kecil terjatuh ke dalam selokan. Mia merasa kasihan dengan anak kucing itu. Lalu ia mengangkat anak kucing itu dari selokan dan menaruhnya di tempat yang aman kemudian Mia melanjutkan perjalanannya ke sekolah. Bel tanda masuk berbunyi. Mia dan teman-temannya segera masuk ke kelas. Di sekolahnya, Mia termasuk anak yang cerdas. Ia selalu masuk dalam rangking 3 besar. Ia sering mengadakan kelompok belajar bersama teman-temannya di waktu istirahat maupun setelah pulang dari sekolah. Dalam kelompok belajar itu, mereka membahas pelajaran yang telah mereka dapatkan dan juga membahas pekerjaan rumah yang diberikan oleh guru. Kriiingg... Bel tanda waktu pulang berbunyi! Mia dan teman-temannya segera bergegas membereskan buku-bukunya dan segera keluar ruangan. Di perjalanan pulang, ketika sedang mengobrol dengan teman-temannya, Mia melihat anak kucing yang tadi pagi dilihatnya dalam selokan. Anak kucing itu mengeong-ngeong sambil terus mengikuti Mia. Mia tidak sadar ia diikuti oleh anak kucing itu. Sesampainya di rumah, ketika akan menutup pintu, Mia terkejut karena ada anak kucing mengeong sekeras- kerasnya. Mia baru menyadari kalau anak kucing yang ditolongnya, mengikutinya sampai rumah. Mia mohon pada Ibunya, agar ia di izinkan memelihara kucing kecil itu. "Tidak boleh!, nanti hewan itu membuat kotor rumah", ujar Ibu Mia. "Tapi bu, kasihan kucing ini! ia tidak punya tempat tinggal dan tidak punya orangtua", kata Mia. Setelah beberapa saat, akhirnya Ibu membolehkan Mia memelihara kucing dengan syarat binatang itu tidak boleh ditelantarkan dan jangan sampai mengotori rumah. Sejak saat itu, Mia memelihara anak kucing itu. Setiap hari ia memberi minum dan makan anak kucing itu. Lama-lama Mia menjadi sangat sayang dengan anak kucing itu. Mia memberi nama anak kucing itu Kitty. Semenjak dipelihara Mia, Kitty menjadi bersih dan gemuk, bulunya yang berbelang tiga membuatnya tambah lucu. Beberapa bulan kemudian, Si Kitty menjadi besar. Suatu hari, Mia melihat seekor burung kutilang yang tergeletak di halaman rumahnya. Mia mendekati burung kutilang itu dan mengangkatnya. Ternyata burung kutilang itu terluka sayapnya dan tidak bisa terbang. Mia merawat burung itu dengan penuh kasih sayang. Si Kitty merasa cemburu karena merasa Mia menjadi lebih sayang pada burung kutilang daripadanya. Padahal Mia tetap menyayangi si Kitty. Karena merasa tidak diperhatikan lagi, setiap Mia tidak ada, si Kitty selalu menakut- nakuti burung kutilang tersebut. Setelah dirawat Mia selama seminggu, burung kutilang itu jadi sembuh. Beberapa hari kemudian, ketika Mia baru pulang dari sekolah, ia melihat pintu kandang burung kutilangnya terbuka dan ada bercak darah di bawah kandang burung kutilangnya. Mia berpikir jangan- jangan si Kitty memakan burung Kutilangnya. Ketika melihat si Kitty, Mia jadi lebih curiga karena pada mulut si Kitty terdapat bercak darah. Karena saking kesalnya, Mia mengambil sapu dan mengejar si Kitty untuk dipukul. Si Kitty segera berlari masuk ke kolong tempat tidur. Ketika melihat ke kolong Mia sangat terkejut karena ada seekor ular yang sudah mati di bawah kolong tempat tidurnya. Akhirnya Mia sadar, si Kitty telah menyelamatkannya dengan menggigit ular tersebut. Mia baru ingat kalau ia lupa menutup pintu sangkar burungnya. Mia menyesal ketika ingat akan memukul si Kitty. Padahal kalau tidak ada si Kitty mungkin ular tersebut masih hidup dan bisa mencelakainya. Akhirnya Mia sadar akan kesalahannya dan memeluk si Kitty dengan erat. Sejak kejadian itu, Mia jadi lebih sayang dengan Si Kitty.
*ENGLISH VERSION* Mia is a good child care. He lived with his parents in a village. Due to friendly and good-natured, he had many friends in the home or school environment. Mia is the youngest among four brothers. Every day, Mia and her sisters were always taught discipline and manners by their parents. Mia is very happy with the animals. The animals are in the house, was maintained diligently. Mia has long wanted to keep the cat, but her mother forbids pets that are kept in the house because it makes the house dirty. One day, Mia was going to school. He went to school on foot. The distance between home and school is not too far just 300 meters away. On the way, he saw a young kitten who fell into the ditch. Mia felt sorry for the kitten. Then he lifted the kitten out of the gutter and put it in a safe place and then Mia went on his way to school. Entrance bell rang. Mia and her friends rushed into the classroom. At school, Mia including smart kid. He is always in the rankings big 3. He often conducted the study with her friends at recess or after school. In the study group, they discuss the lessons they have earned, and also discuss the homework given by the teacher. Kriiingg ... Bell rang to go home! Mia and her friends immediately rushed to clean up the books and immediately left the room. On the way home, when you're chatting with her friends, Mia saw the kitten saw this morning in the gutter. Kitten-miaow miaow while continuing to follow Mia. Mia did not realize he was being followed by a kitten. At home, when it will close the door, Mia was surprised because there was a kitten meowing very hard. Mia realized that the kitten was helping, followed her home. Mia beg his mother, that he be allowed the small cats. "Not to be!, Later animals that make dirty house, "said Mrs. Mia." But ma'am, sorry for this cat! he had no place to live and do not have parents, "said Mia. After a while, she finally let Mia cats on the condition that the animal should not be neglected and should not be littering the house. Since then, Mia maintain kitten. Every day he gives to drink and eat the kitten. Mia long become very affectionate with the kitten. Mia to name the kitten Kitty. Since maintained Mia, Kitty became clean and plump, striped fur makes it added three cute. A few months later, The Kitty be great. One day, Mia saw a robin sitting on his lawn. Mia approached finches and lifted it up. Apparently the robin was injured wings and can not fly. Mia treating the bird with great affection. The Kitty felt jealous because he felt Mia became more fond of finches from him. Though Mia still love the Kitty. Feeling neglected, any Mia does not exist, the Kitty always scare the robin. After being Mia for a week, the robin was so cured. A few days later, when Mia came home from school, he saw his finch aviary door open and there are spots of blood on the bottom of the bird cage his finches. Mia thinks the fear that his finches Kitty eat birds. When looking at the Kitty, Mia became more suspicious as the mouth of the Kitty are splattered with blood. Because so upset, Mia grabbed a broom and chased the Kitty to hit. The Kitty immediately ran in under the bed. When looking into the vault Mia was shocked because there was a snake under the dead under his bed. Mia finally realized, the Kitty has been saved by the snake bite. Mia just remembered that he forgot to close the door of the birdcage. Mia sorry when the recall will hit the Kitty. However, if no snake probably the Kitty was still alive and could harm her. Mia finally realized his mistake and the Kitty hugged him tightly. Since the incident, Mia so much affection with Si Kitty.
*ENGLISH VERSION* Mia is a good child care. He lived with his parents in a village. Due to friendly and good-natured, he had many friends in the home or school environment. Mia is the youngest among four brothers. Every day, Mia and her sisters were always taught discipline and manners by their parents. Mia is very happy with the animals. The animals are in the house, was maintained diligently. Mia has long wanted to keep the cat, but her mother forbids pets that are kept in the house because it makes the house dirty. One day, Mia was going to school. He went to school on foot. The distance between home and school is not too far just 300 meters away. On the way, he saw a young kitten who fell into the ditch. Mia felt sorry for the kitten. Then he lifted the kitten out of the gutter and put it in a safe place and then Mia went on his way to school. Entrance bell rang. Mia and her friends rushed into the classroom. At school, Mia including smart kid. He is always in the rankings big 3. He often conducted the study with her friends at recess or after school. In the study group, they discuss the lessons they have earned, and also discuss the homework given by the teacher. Kriiingg ... Bell rang to go home! Mia and her friends immediately rushed to clean up the books and immediately left the room. On the way home, when you're chatting with her friends, Mia saw the kitten saw this morning in the gutter. Kitten-miaow miaow while continuing to follow Mia. Mia did not realize he was being followed by a kitten. At home, when it will close the door, Mia was surprised because there was a kitten meowing very hard. Mia realized that the kitten was helping, followed her home. Mia beg his mother, that he be allowed the small cats. "Not to be!, Later animals that make dirty house, "said Mrs. Mia." But ma'am, sorry for this cat! he had no place to live and do not have parents, "said Mia. After a while, she finally let Mia cats on the condition that the animal should not be neglected and should not be littering the house. Since then, Mia maintain kitten. Every day he gives to drink and eat the kitten. Mia long become very affectionate with the kitten. Mia to name the kitten Kitty. Since maintained Mia, Kitty became clean and plump, striped fur makes it added three cute. A few months later, The Kitty be great. One day, Mia saw a robin sitting on his lawn. Mia approached finches and lifted it up. Apparently the robin was injured wings and can not fly. Mia treating the bird with great affection. The Kitty felt jealous because he felt Mia became more fond of finches from him. Though Mia still love the Kitty. Feeling neglected, any Mia does not exist, the Kitty always scare the robin. After being Mia for a week, the robin was so cured. A few days later, when Mia came home from school, he saw his finch aviary door open and there are spots of blood on the bottom of the bird cage his finches. Mia thinks the fear that his finches Kitty eat birds. When looking at the Kitty, Mia became more suspicious as the mouth of the Kitty are splattered with blood. Because so upset, Mia grabbed a broom and chased the Kitty to hit. The Kitty immediately ran in under the bed. When looking into the vault Mia was shocked because there was a snake under the dead under his bed. Mia finally realized, the Kitty has been saved by the snake bite. Mia just remembered that he forgot to close the door of the birdcage. Mia sorry when the recall will hit the Kitty. However, if no snake probably the Kitty was still alive and could harm her. Mia finally realized his mistake and the Kitty hugged him tightly. Since the incident, Mia so much affection with Si Kitty.
Ditulis Oleh : Anonymous ~ Dongeng dan cerita anak

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