Sang Raja hutan "Singa" ditembak pemburu, penghuni hutan rimba jadi gelisah. Mereka tidak mempunyai Raja lagi. Tak berapa lama seluruh penghuni hutan rimba berkumpul untuk memilih Raja yang baru. Pertama yang dicalonkan adalah Macan Tutul, tetapi macan tutul menolak. "Jangan, melihat manusia saja aku sudah lari tunggang langgang," ujarnya. "Kalau begitu Badak saja, kau kan amat kuat," kata binatang lain. "Tidak-tidak, penglihatanku kurang baik, aku telah menabrak pohon berkali-kali." "Oh! mungkin Gajah saja yang jadi Raja, badan kau kan besar..", ujar binatang-binatang lain. "Aku tidak bisa berkelahi dan gerakanku amat lambat," sahut gajah. Binatang-binatang menjadi bingung, mereka belum menemukan raja pengganti. Ketika hendak bubar, tiba-tiba kera berteriak, "Manusia saja yang menjadi raja, ia kan yang sudah membunuh Singa". "Tidak mungkin," jawab tupai. "Coba kalian semua perhatikan aku, aku mirip dengan manusia bukan?, maka akulah yang cocok menjadi raja," ujar kera. Setelah melalui perundingan, penghuni hutan sepakat Kera menjadi raja yang baru. Setelah diangkat menjadi raja, tingkah laku Kera sama sekali tidak seperti Raja. Kerjanya hanya bermalas-malasan sambil menyantap makanan yang lezat-lezat. Penghuni binatang menjadi kesal, terutama srigala. Srigala berpikir, "bagaimana si kera bisa menyamakan dirinya dengan manusia ya?, badannya saja yang sama, tetapi otaknya tidak". Srigala mendapat ide. Suatu hari, ia menghadap kera. "Tuanku, saya menemukan makanan yang amat lezat, saya yakin tuanku pasti suka. Saya akan antarkan tuan ke tempat itu," ujar srigala. Tanpa pikir panjang, kera, si Raja yang baru pergi bersama srigala. Di tengah hutan, teronggok buah-buahan kesukaan kera. Kera yang tamak langsung menyergap buah-buahan itu. Ternyata, si kera langsung terjeblos ke dalam tanah. Makanan yang disergapnya ternyata jebakan yang dibuat manusia. "Tolong! tolong," teriak kera, sambil berjuang keras agar bisa keluar dari perangkap. "Hahahaha! Tak pernah kubayangkan, seorang raja bisa berlaku bodoh, terjebak dalam perangkap yang dipasang manusia, Raja seperti kera mana bisa melindungi rakyatnya," ujar srigala dan binatang lainnya. Tak berapa lama setelah binatang-binatang meninggalkan kera, seorang pemburu datang ke tempat itu. Melihat ada kera di dalamnya, ia langsung membawa tangkapannya ke rumah. HIKMAH :Perlakukanlah teman-teman kita dengan baik, janganlah sombong dan bermalas-malasan. Jika kita sombong dan memperlakukan teman-teman semena- mena, nantinya kita akan kehilangan mereka
The King of the jungle "lion" shot hunter, jungle dwellers nervous. They do not have a king anymore. Soon all the inhabitants of the jungle gathered to elect a new king. The first is nominated Leopard, but Leopard refused. "No, I've seen people running helter skelter," he said. "Then Rhino course, you're very strong, "said the other animals." No-no, see well, I've hit a tree many times. "" Oh! Elephants might be just that so the King, you're a great body .. ", said the other animals." I can not fight and my movements very slow, "said the elephant. The animals become confused, they have not found a replacement king. When about to disperse, ape suddenly shouted, "Humans are a king, he's already killed the lion". "Impossible," said the squirrel. "Let me look at you all, I look like a man instead?, Then I'm the one that fits a king," said the monkey. After going through negotiations, forest-dwelling apes agreed to be the new king. Once anointed king, the behavior is not at all like the monkey king. It works just idly while eating a delicious-delicious. Residents became upset animals, especially wolves. Wolf thought, "how the monkeys can identify themselves with humans huh?, Her body just the same, but the brain is not". Wolves got the idea. One day, he went ape. "My lord, I found the food very tasty, I'm sure my master would love. Lord I will deliver to the place," said the wolf. Without thinking, the apes, the new king went with wolves. In the middle of the woods, sitting monkey's favorite fruit. Ape greedy directly attacking the fruit. Apparently, the Ape terjeblos directly into the ground. The food turned out to be a trap disergapnya man-made. "Help! Help," shouted the monkeys, as he struggled to get out of the trap. "Hahahaha! Had never imagined, a king can act stupid, get caught in a trap set man, King like monkeys which can protect its people," said the wolf, and other animals. Not long after the animals left the ape, a hunter came to that place. Seeing no monkey in it, she immediately took catchment to the house. WISDOM: Treat our friends well, do not be arrogant and lazy. If we are arrogant and treat your friends arbitrary, later we will lose them
The King of the jungle "lion" shot hunter, jungle dwellers nervous. They do not have a king anymore. Soon all the inhabitants of the jungle gathered to elect a new king. The first is nominated Leopard, but Leopard refused. "No, I've seen people running helter skelter," he said. "Then Rhino course, you're very strong, "said the other animals." No-no, see well, I've hit a tree many times. "" Oh! Elephants might be just that so the King, you're a great body .. ", said the other animals." I can not fight and my movements very slow, "said the elephant. The animals become confused, they have not found a replacement king. When about to disperse, ape suddenly shouted, "Humans are a king, he's already killed the lion". "Impossible," said the squirrel. "Let me look at you all, I look like a man instead?, Then I'm the one that fits a king," said the monkey. After going through negotiations, forest-dwelling apes agreed to be the new king. Once anointed king, the behavior is not at all like the monkey king. It works just idly while eating a delicious-delicious. Residents became upset animals, especially wolves. Wolf thought, "how the monkeys can identify themselves with humans huh?, Her body just the same, but the brain is not". Wolves got the idea. One day, he went ape. "My lord, I found the food very tasty, I'm sure my master would love. Lord I will deliver to the place," said the wolf. Without thinking, the apes, the new king went with wolves. In the middle of the woods, sitting monkey's favorite fruit. Ape greedy directly attacking the fruit. Apparently, the Ape terjeblos directly into the ground. The food turned out to be a trap disergapnya man-made. "Help! Help," shouted the monkeys, as he struggled to get out of the trap. "Hahahaha! Had never imagined, a king can act stupid, get caught in a trap set man, King like monkeys which can protect its people," said the wolf, and other animals. Not long after the animals left the ape, a hunter came to that place. Seeing no monkey in it, she immediately took catchment to the house. WISDOM: Treat our friends well, do not be arrogant and lazy. If we are arrogant and treat your friends arbitrary, later we will lose them
Ditulis Oleh : Anonymous ~ Dongeng dan cerita anak

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