Di suatu hutan yang rindang, hidup berbagai binatang buas dan jinak. Ada kelinci, burung, kucing, capung, kupu-kupu dan yang lainnya. Pada suatu hari, hutan dilanda badai yang sangat dahsyat. Angin bertiup sangat kencang, menerpa pohon dan daun-daun. Kraak! terdengar bunyi dahan-dahan berpatahan. Banyak hewan yang tidak dapat menyelamatkan dirinya, kecuali si semut yang berlindung di dalam tanah. Badai baru berhenti ketika pagi menjelang. Matahari kembali bersinar hangatnya. Tiba-tiba dari dalam tanah muncul seekor semut. Si semut terlindung dari badai karena ia bisa masuk ke sarangnya di dalam tanah. Ketika sedang berjalan, ia melihat seekor kepompong yang tergeletak di dahan daun yang patah. Si semut bergumam, "Hmm, alangkah tidak enaknya menjadi kepompong, terkurung dan tidak bisa kemana-mana". "Menjadi kepompong memang memalukan!". "Coba lihat aku, bisa pergi ke mana saja ku mau", ejek semut pada kepompong. Semut terus mengulang perkataannya pada setiap hewan yang berhasil ditemuinya. Beberapa hari kemudian, semut berjalan di jalan yang berlumpur. Ia tidak menyadari kalau lumpur yang diinjaknya bisa menghisap dirinya semakin dalam. "Aduh, sulit sekali berjalan di tempat becek seperti ini," keluh semut. Semakin lama, si semut semakin tenggelam dalam lumpur. "Tolong! tolong," teriak si semut. "Wah, sepertinya kamu sedang kesulitan ya?" Si semut terheran mendengar suara itu. Ia memandang kesekelilingnya mencari sumber suara. Dilihatnya seekor kupu-kupu yang indah terbang mendekatinya. "Hai, semut aku adalah kepompong yang dahulu engkau ejek. Sekarang aku sudah menjadi kupu-kupu. Aku bisa pergi ke mana saja dengan sayapku. Lihat! sekarang kau tidak bisa berjalan di lumpur itu kan?" "Yah, aku sadar. Aku mohon maaf karena telah mengejekmu. Maukah kau menolongku sekarang?" kata si semut pada kupu- kupu. Akhirnya kupu-kupu menolong semut yang terjebak dalam lumpur penghisap. Tidak berapa lama, semut terbebas dari lumpur penghisap tersebut. Setelah terbebas, semut mengucapkan terima kasih pada kupu-kupu. "Tidak apa-apa, memang sudah kewajiban kita untuk menolong yang sedang kesusahan bukan?, karenanya kamu jangan mengejek hewan lain lagi ya?" Karena setiap makhluk pasti diberikan kelebihan dan kekurangan oleh yang Maha Pencipta. Sejak saat itu, semut dan kepompong menjadi sahabat karib. HIKMAH :Sesama makhluk ciptaan Tuhan, janganlah saling mengejek dan menghina, karena siapa tahu yang dihina lebih baik kedudukannya daripada yang menghina
*english version*
In a lush green forest, wild animals and various life tame. There are rabbits, birds, cats, dragonflies, butterflies and more. On one day, stormy forest very powerful. The wind was blowing hard, hit a tree and leaves. Kraak! sound of branches broken. Many animals can not save himself, except the ants taking refuge in the soil. New storm stopped when morning came. The sun shone warm again. Suddenly emerging from the soil of an ant. The ant sheltered from the storm because he could get into the nest in the ground. While walking, he saw a cocoon of leaves lying on a broken limb. The ant muttered, "Hmm, what's the worst of being cocooned, stuck and can not go anywhere". "Being a cocoon is embarrassing!". "Look at me can go anywhere I want", sneered ant pupae. Ants kept repeating his words for all animals successfully met. A few days later, the ants walking on muddy roads. He did not realize that the mud can suck himself stepped deeper. "Oh, it is difficult to walk on the muddy like this," complained the ants. Over time, the ants getting lost in the mud. "Help! Help," cried the ants. "Well, it seems you are having trouble huh?" The ant was amazed to hear that voice. He looked kesekelilingnya find the source of the sound. He saw a beautiful butterfly flew toward him. "Hi, I'm an ant cocoon that once you scoffed. Now I've become a butterfly. I could go anywhere with my wings. Look, now you can not walk in the mud, right?" "Well, I'm aware of. I apologize for taunting. Would you help me now?" said the ants to butterflies. Finally butterfly help ants stuck in mud suckers. Soon, the ants are free of mud suckers. Once freed, ant to thank the butterflies. "It's okay, it is our duty to help the trouble is not it?, So you do not taunt the other animals again?" Because every creature surely given the advantages and disadvantages of the Creator. Since then, ants and pupae became close friends. WISDOM: fellow creatures of God, do not mock and insult each other, because who knows who insulted better position than insulting.
*english version*
In a lush green forest, wild animals and various life tame. There are rabbits, birds, cats, dragonflies, butterflies and more. On one day, stormy forest very powerful. The wind was blowing hard, hit a tree and leaves. Kraak! sound of branches broken. Many animals can not save himself, except the ants taking refuge in the soil. New storm stopped when morning came. The sun shone warm again. Suddenly emerging from the soil of an ant. The ant sheltered from the storm because he could get into the nest in the ground. While walking, he saw a cocoon of leaves lying on a broken limb. The ant muttered, "Hmm, what's the worst of being cocooned, stuck and can not go anywhere". "Being a cocoon is embarrassing!". "Look at me can go anywhere I want", sneered ant pupae. Ants kept repeating his words for all animals successfully met. A few days later, the ants walking on muddy roads. He did not realize that the mud can suck himself stepped deeper. "Oh, it is difficult to walk on the muddy like this," complained the ants. Over time, the ants getting lost in the mud. "Help! Help," cried the ants. "Well, it seems you are having trouble huh?" The ant was amazed to hear that voice. He looked kesekelilingnya find the source of the sound. He saw a beautiful butterfly flew toward him. "Hi, I'm an ant cocoon that once you scoffed. Now I've become a butterfly. I could go anywhere with my wings. Look, now you can not walk in the mud, right?" "Well, I'm aware of. I apologize for taunting. Would you help me now?" said the ants to butterflies. Finally butterfly help ants stuck in mud suckers. Soon, the ants are free of mud suckers. Once freed, ant to thank the butterflies. "It's okay, it is our duty to help the trouble is not it?, So you do not taunt the other animals again?" Because every creature surely given the advantages and disadvantages of the Creator. Since then, ants and pupae became close friends. WISDOM: fellow creatures of God, do not mock and insult each other, because who knows who insulted better position than insulting.
Ditulis Oleh : Anonymous ~ Dongeng dan cerita anak

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